Immigration With Respect To Skilled Regional Provisional Subclass 489}

Submitted by: Abhinav Immigration

The Skilled Regional Subclass 489 is a provisional visa for 4 years for the labors who have abilities and skills that are in demand in particular territories or states in the Australia. The applicant would have to work and live in a regional area to obtain permanent residence. With this Visa you and your family can stay up to four years in Australia. An individual can work, live and study in a specific regional Area of Austalia. One can travel in and out of Australia till the validity period of the VISA. In addition, this visa offers a passage way to apply for permanent residence with the Skilled Regional (Residence) visa subclass 887.

The Visa Norms:

The Occupation List 2015 Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) is an invitation based. To qualify for the same and acquire the associated request the aspirants have to carry out the following steps.

The client needs to register an Expression of Interest through SkillSelect and needs an invitation from the Department of Immigration.

Your age must be between 18 and 50.


Need to have a minimum of 60 points in the skilled migration points test, which is calculated on the basis of Qualification, Age, Experience, state sponsorship and various other applicable aspects.

The applicant needs to have a nomination by a Territory or a State and a sponsorship by a relative living in a designated Area.

The client has to exceed the Skills Evaluation test in a profession that is applicable as per the Skilled Occupations List.

The Applicant must possess English Skills as per the territory or State Requirement

The aspirant must follow the character and health requirements

Selection by state or Territory Government:

The Nomination for Visa is offered by the State or Territory Government agencies after viewing the aspirants expression of interest in SkillSelect. The Consolidated Skilled Occupation List has been listed by the State or Territory that lists the types of skills that are necessary in the aspirant.

One can specify the interest in a particular State or Territory or can even opt to be accessible to all Territories and States in the Expression of Interest. If the applicant is nominated by the state or territory government in such case the individual would have to reside in the nominated Territory or State for at least two years. The applicant would have to work full time for 12 months in the regional area.

Conditions and Duration of the VISA:

The provisional Visa is for 4 years. However, As per the Provisonal Subclass 489 the applicant and the included family members can live, work, and study in the regional area that has approved the aspirant for the stay. The Regional Area depends on whether you acquired the sponsorship from a State or Territory Government or by a Designated Government. The Territory or State Government is a Regional or a Low Population Growth Area. While the Designated Area is wider than the Low Population Growth Area. The major cities of Canberra, Melbourne, Gold Coast are deemed as Designated Area.

Conclusion: The Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 489) offers Temporary Visa for highly skilled Workers.

With the Skilled Regional Visa subclass 489 the aspirant can avail for provisional visa. The Occupation List as the listings of the professions that can avail for the visa. The Applicant can later avail for the permanent residence. The Provisional Visa is being granted for four years, and needs a nomination from the State or Territory Government.

About the Author: With the Skilled Regional Visa subclass 489 the aspirant can avail for provisional visa. The Occupation List as the listings of the professions that can avail for the visa. The Applicant can later avail for the permanent residence. The Provisional Visa is being granted for four years, and needs a nomination from the State or Territory Government.


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