Loving Reading Make Your Own Embroidered Bookmarks

By Maggie Johnson

This is very easy and quick cross stitch embroidered bookmarks project. You can make a book mark for your own or you can make many of them to give as gift or stocking stuffers. You have to follow some easy instructions and you should have those required skills.

First of all purchase an Aida fabric book mark. These blanks come with either plane or lacy borders, and they are made especially for cross stitch and embroidery. Then choose a design for your bookmark, you can choose custom design made by you or you can choose from hundreds of artistic designs available on the internet. Try to find the designs that fit in with gift giving occasions if the bookmark is a gift.

You can easily get lots of cross stitch designs and charts on the web. Keeping a simple design is advised. The amount of usable space should be small and avoid crowding your design with lots of elements. In this way you can easily make embroidered bookmarks which will take very little space. You should also make sure that your design must fit onto bookmark.


Embroidery floss and embroidery needle should be used for your project to complete your embroidered bookmarks. You can choose colors you like, if you are unhappy with the suggested colors given by pattern book or a chart. You can reduce or enlarge the design as per your need, by transferring the design onto your bookmark.

You can refer to various instructions for designing the bookmark. Then you should start cross stitching from the center of the design outward. You must keep your stitches neat and clean, and after the completion of the work trim all the excess threads. And, remember that your work should be visible on the front as well as back side of the bookmark.

You can also try making machine embroidered bookmarks. In this select your embroidery pattern or otherwise you can try it from various sites online. You have to cut the embroidered bookmark from the fabric. In addition to that you have to be very careful in cutting threads and stitches.

You can also apply fabric glue with the help of your fingertips. This is an optional step and will prevent unraveling. Tear away the stabilizer and iron, if you do not use self adhesive. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions while using the stabilizer, iron or pin. You can easily make cross stitch and machinery bookmark if you follow all the above instructions carefully.

While making these embroidered bookmarks you can look for cross stitch kits, which provide needle, bookmark and embroidery floss. Some instructions come with the kit and you must follow them. You can also use a charted cross stitch fabric for your bookmark design.

The structure of the Aida fabric and size of the design make use of the embroidery hoop or frame unnecessary. These simple instructions will really prove helpful in your task of bookmark making and you will gain some extra knowledge regarding the same.

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Embroidered Bookmarks




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