What You Need To Know About Naltrexone Implants}

Submitted by: Arora Neha

The urge for prescription painkillers, heroin and other narcotic drugs are all very much familiar for many individuals struggling with addiction.

Naltrexone is a long acting opioid antagonist. It works by blocking the opioid receptors in the brain and therefore it blocks the effects of heroin and other opioids.

What Are Naltrexone Implants?

We can consider Naltrexone implants to be small medication pellets which are inserted under the skin. The medication is then slowly released over varying lengths of time usually from two to six months.

What Does It Do?

Naltrexone has several positive effects:

? It lessens the degree of intoxication and interest in cocaine, alcohol, cannabis as well as in other psychoactive substances.

? It enhances immunity.

? It is a drug which protects the receptors of opioid meaning that it does not allow the molecules of the opiate drug to reach them thereby preventing the progress of addiction or relapse.

? It is a drug which enhances the transformation of ones own inner “pleasure system”. Due to Naltrexone the process of emotional recovery is quicker.

? It is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

? It is also used in the treatment of other autoimmune diseases.

? It reminds the patients psychologically that opiates will not be able to provide them high any longer. This is why when you use them it becomes meaningless. Naltrexone is a drug which induces more self confidence, tranquility, it also eradicates the need for cravings and nervous tension, and it also significantly reduces psychological dependence on opiate drugs.


The Naltrexone implant clinics in India provide Naltrexone in a dose of 50mg daily. It can be very difficult for some patients to adhere to the treatment in some patients with poor compliance to the treatment. This is why for intramuscular use depot injection is a specially designed, sterilized oily form of Naltrexone. This is slowly released over during one month. The advantage of this time release form of Naltrexone is that there are no surgical complications.

The benefits provided by the Naltrexone implant clinics in India:

Some People Benefit More Than Others

Implants Last a Long Time: Whine the implant has been once surgically placed under your skin, the drug will continue to be effective for two to six months, depending on what you and your healthcare provider decide will be best for your circumstances.

Studies have proven that Implants are Effective: Despite the fact that more research has to be done to further confirm the findings, there have been many studies which indicate that naltrexone implants may indeed be a successful means for recovering from opioid dependence.

Naltrexone therapy helps patients regain a sense of happiness without the desire for opiates. While the opiate receptors are blocked, patients have fewer cravings and if they do continue to consume alcohol or other opiates they do not receive the same stimuli which lead to the addiction in the first instance.

Other advantages:

? It does need to supervise naltrexone and the arguments it can cause

? It helps to make it very difficult to not to take naltrexone

? It eliminates the need for cravings as there is no sense in craving for what you can’t have

? No foreign object under the skin

? No need for follow-up treatment: wound dressing change, removing the threads etc.

? No need for licensed surgeon and a surgical hall

? No need for local anaesthesia

? No risk of complications after the surgical procedure

? No risk of rejection like in case of Naltrexone implant

? No scars

What is the Duration of the Naltrexone Implant?

Implanting naltrexone pellets is a long-lasting medicine which has duration of up to eight to ten weeks and longer. The new generation implants will not have magnesium stearate and triamcinolone. They will instead contain a polymeric carrier which provides even for the release of active substance into a blood stream for six or twelve months

About the Author: The author is a medical writer and he loves writing on these topics.




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