Basic Dog Cleaning Will Keep Your Furry Friend Healthier

Basic Dog Cleaning will Keep Your Furry Friend Healthier



Even though a dog is usually a family pet and all enjoy its companionship, it is nearly always Mum that is left with those rather unpleasant dog cleaning chores. It is not only the dog itself that needs to be bathed, but the kennel – and of course the backyard must be kept clean of dog droppings and old bones if the children are to play there in safety.

Dogs don t mind being dirty, but they must be kept clean if they are going to come inside. And a clean dog is much nicer to be around than one that is dirty. You don t get dirt spread around the home, on the carpet and on your clothing and hands if the dog is bathed regularly and generally kept in a clean environment. Most dogs shed hair, but they need not also shed dirt or fleas if they are looked after.

Many dogs are allowed to lie on the sofa and even on the bed; even those that are not often like to rest on the soft carpet. All these places can end up having dirt and fleas on them if the dog has both. The house will soon begin to smell, but the trouble is that you may not notice it because you get used to the smell and your brain no longer recognizes it. But people who don t keep dogs will be able to smell it.


Part of keeping your dog clean is to give it the correct

dog flea treatment

for its type and size. This is not difficult; many people opt for a dog flea collar as the most effective and easiest way to keep fleas at bay. Others prefer to have a pour-on treatment that must be done every four weeks or so to remain effective.

Neither treatment is effective if the dog gets really wet in the rain or under a hose. If your dog wears a flea collar and your arrange for a

dog hydrobath

to keep it clean, you need to remove the collar before the bath and only put it back on when the dog is completely dry. If you use the pour-on, then that too, should be reapplied after the dog has had its bath and is dry.

Once the dog is clean you can be happy in the knowledge that your furry friend can come inside without spreading dirt and fleas. You dog will be much healthier when it is kept clean. Dirty dogs tend to attract both fleas and bacteria and can easily get and spread infections.

For the past five years I have been writing informative and quality articles on topics such as

dog cleaning

, dog flea treatment, dog hydrobath and many more.

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