Diy Projects Time Saving Tips On Preparation And Planning For Before You Get Started

Submitted by: Bob A. Gregory

DIY projects can be a great way to get the result you want and experience a real feeling of accomplishment. That doesn’t mean you should jump right in, though. If you start your project without the right preparation, you could end up spending more than you planned or get a project that doesn’t do what you expect. Before you start your next DIY project, take some time to think about your abilities, what you need to get the job done, and whether DIY is really the best choice.


The first thing you should consider is whether you have the skills to do the project. Relying on your ability to gain them in the process is a mistake that could require you to start all over again. Every new DIYer wants to finish a truly impressive project, but this requires a lot of practice. If you’re not sure you know all the skills needed for the DIY projects you’re considering, switch to a smaller and less complex project.

Materials and Tools


It’s also wise to think about the tools and materials you’ll need for any given DIY project. In most cases, you won’t already have everything on hand unless you’re an experienced craftsperson with a well-stocked shop. Think about whether you’ll need to special order any tools or materials and whether you can substitute different ones that you already own. Consider whether you can borrow tools from a friend or neighbor. If the DIY projects you’re looking at require a lot of special extras, it might be wiser to choose something different or have the work done by a professional.


DIY projects can be real money savers, but only if you work quickly or don’t count the time you spend working. Not everything you do yourself will be cheaper than purchasing the finished project or hiring an expert, however. If you need to buy exotic materials or special tools, your costs will rise quickly. The same problem may occur if you don’t have the skills to do the project correctly and have to repeatedly re-buy materials after a mistake.

Make sure you tally your costs before the project begins, including extras like nails, shed plans, saw blades and other small expenses that are easy to disregard. Then, compare the cost with the effort you’ll have to put in and the price of paying an expert for the same work. A high-priced project doesn’t rule out DIY, but you should be aware of what you’ll be putting in before you start.


Many beginners don’t remember safety procedures, resulting in a higher incidence of accidents and other problems. Consider the safety requirements for your project before buying any tools or materials. If you’ll be working with chemicals in an enclosed room, you may need a respirator or other ventilation device. If cutting tools are involved, there’s a good chance that you’ll need to invest in eye protection and a dust mask. Some projects just require more time if you want to accomplish them safely.

Don’t make the mistake of believing that safety equipment and best practices are optional. Think about what devices you’ll need, the best way to accomplish the project safely, and the risks the project entails. Then decide whether this project is right for you and your situation.

Everyone needs to spend some time thinking about their DIY projects before they get to work. That doesn’t mean giving up on DIY. It just means that you need a little bit of advance planning to help you decide which project is right for you and what you should expect from the final project.

About the Author: Bob builds things and likes to write in his down time. To learn more about Bob’s shed plans, visit his blog:


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