Homemade Hair Conditioner Using Fresh Organic Ingredients

Homemade Hair Conditioner using Fresh Organic Ingredients


Jaz Lee

Over the past few months there has been a sharp increase in people interested or wanting to know more about homemade hair conditioners in their fresh and organic variety. Of which can can be made simply from home using the ingredients which you may have in your own cupboard or fridge. Yes, this means using fresh food products which may have been purchased to eat as a snack and you were really not plannning on using these to make any sort of beauty treatment!


Well this is the magic of organic food products, you can transform them into chemical and preservative free hair and skin products which do you the world of good if not better than the leading brands. These ingredients may consist of bananas, olive oil, mayonnaise, honey and essential oils which can be combined into a bowl and used simply straight onto your hair. There is a method which is needed to ensure that all ingredients have been mixed together correctly which can be found on the Homemade Hair Conditioner site with step by step instructions on how to do this. The application to your hair could be a tricky one if the concoction you have made is slightly thin as the right consistency is important. The food products can be mashed together such as the the avocado and banana mask with an added touch of olive oil or even the avocado on its own for the ultimate in face masks. The only concern when using these proucts is that they are used in their fresh state, where these can be kept for a couple of days in the fridge but not really recommended after the second day. Olive oil and eggs add a nice sheen to your hair whilst the protein from some of the products add strength to your hair and help to boost its overall look and liveliness. There are various foods which can be applied to your hair and skin with also beverages such as the calming camomile tea and what about a dark beer? Sounds strange but in the increasing organic world in which we live in today these products are essential, free of chemicals and from sustainable backgrounds. You will definelty enjoy the freshness from using these products and notice the difference once they have been applied. These conditioners are not like the shop purchased leave in after you shampoo types but must be placed on your hair before the shampoo to allow the nutrients, vitamins and nourishment to enter your skin and follicles. Here are a few favourite recipes which have been found online which a lot of people are talking about with its lasting effects and freshness. These are fresh, organic alternatives for people who would like to take their own approach to their hair and skin care. Tropical Conditioner Ingredients: 1 peeled and mashed Avocado 1 cup Coconut milk Directions: Combine mashed avocado with some coconut milk in a small bowl. Heat in the microwave for approximately 45 seconds. Stir and test the temperature. Then gently massage the mixture into your hair. Once fully covered wrap your hair in a hot towel or cover with shower cap for 15 minutes. This allows the warmth from your head to shhelp the conditioner to work and develop into your hair an scalp. Shampoo & rinse out. Deep conditioner Ingredients 3-4 drops of essential oils of your choice 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1 egg Preparation Beat the egg and then mix in the rest of the ingredients. Apply to your hair and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes Rinse off using a gentle shampoo This hair conditioner helps to moisturize (olive oil) and soften your hair (egg. You can keep it refrigerated in a plastic container with a lid on for 3 days maximum due the fresh eggs used. Shake it well before using it again to ensure that all the mixture is thoroughly combined. Yogurt Hair Mask Beat 1 egg white until foamy then add to 6 tablespoons of plain natural yogurt. Apply to hair in small sections at a time and leave in for 15 minutes. Then simply rinse for shiny, well conditioned hair.

All this information has been researched, produced and presented by Jaz the designer of the

Homemade Hair Conditioner


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Homemade Hair Conditioner using Fresh Organic Ingredients