Where To Go When Lawyers Require Additional Support

byAlma Abell

Both during and after law school lawyers tend to develop the understanding that they are completely self-sufficient; a sense that they need never depend on others. But this is simply not the case. While lawyers are highly trained professionals with a wide-ranging understanding of the law, they are neither omniscient nor all-powerful. Sometimes they need some help: particularly in cases that depend on highly technical evidence. The following outlines the absolute usefulness of Litigation Support in DC.

Litigation Support Helps Create Compelling Court Cases

There are a number of reasons why court cases benefit from video evidence. In fact, some depend on it. Sometimes, a witness may not be able to appear in court as he or she will be otherwise unavailable. But the testimony of this witness will likely be invaluable. Video testimonials are indispensable in these circumstances, and can be employed in court as first-hand evidence. That being said, a lawyer is not necessarily the best person to shoot an effective video and will likely require some help with this endeavor. This is where litigation support in DC becomes absolutely essential. Hiring an individual or a team to help shoot effective testimonials or videography (recreating scenarios pertaining to the case) is a highly effective way of communicating the details of a case. More importantly, doing so is also an effective way of winning said case.

Litigation support can help you animate—via video technology—accurate representations of legal facts. And representing legal facts is essential in order to have a judge or jury rule in your favor.

Litigation Support Allows Litigators to Spend Their Time Well

Lawyers spend their time (and their money) learning the ins and outs of the law. They are neither qualified nor trained in the technical matters that might facilitate their cases. For this reason, it does not make sense for them to spend their time setting up the perfect interviewing conditions, or reenacting the details of the case. Litigation support caters to the increasingly digitized world in which we live. Indeed, video footage is something on which we rely for pertinent information both in and out of a legal context. Litigation support will help create the most visually effective proofs for your legal case; proofs that will have the most sway on a prospective jury. Because lawyers are intelligent, articulate persons with a mastery of the law they do not need to spend their time or their brain power on technical matters. It is best, in virtually all cases, to leave these details to a strong and savvy support staff.

For more information on litigation support in DC, please reach out to Gore Brothers. They can be reached online at http://www.gorebrothers.com/services/reporting-litigation-services/ or by phone, 800-734-5292.