Why Do Rosacea Sufferers Often Report Periods Of Depression?

By Seomul Evans

Rosacea is a basic but often misunderstood condition i.e. estimated to affect over forty-five million people world. Rosacea is a chronic and potentially life-disruptive disorder mainly of the facial skin, often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. Rosacea is often passed on in families, with women being afflicted more often than their male counterparts. Men, however, often get more severe forms of rosacea. For women with rosacea, added to flushing and blushing may happen around and during menopause.

Rosacea affects an approximated fourteen million Americans. Adults, particularly those between thirty and fifty years aged who have lighter skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, are most likely to suffer from rosacea. People with rosacea often find that certain lifestyle and environmental factors trigger a flare-up or aggravate their individual conditions.

Rosacea is basically different than acne. Rosacea strikes both sexes. The immune system also has been implicated as playing a role in rosacea’s development. A few people with rosacea have raised numbers of the mite, particularly those with steroid induced rosacea. Steroid induced rosacea is the term given to rosacea caused by the use of topical or nasal steroids. These steroids are often dictated for seborrheic dermatitis.

A few acne and wrinkle treatments cause rosacea include microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and high doses of isotretinoin, benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin. Exposure to temperature extremes can cause the face to become flushed also as strenuous exercise, hotness from sunshine, severe sunburn, stress, anxiety, cold wind, moving to a hot or warm environment from a cold one such as heated shops and offices during the winter. Rosacea may also result in reddened skin, scaling and swelling of affected areas.

Rosacea sufferers often report periods of depression stemming from cosmetic disfigurement, painful burning sensations, and decrements in quality of life. Tetracycline antibiotic drug* including doxycycline and minocycline reduce inflammation. Some of the times extra oral antibiotics such cotrimoxasole or metronidazole are dictated for resistant cases.

Metronidazole cream or gel can be used intermittently or long term on its own for mild cases and in combination with oral antibiotics for more severe cases. Dermatological vascular laser (single wavelength) or Intense Pulsed Light (broad spectrum) machines offer one of the better treatments for rosacea. Azelaic acid cream or lotion is also effective, applied twice daily to affected areas. CO2 lasers can be used to remove excess tissue paper caused by phymatous rosacea. Cosmetics may be used to conceal the effects of rosacea.


Rosacea Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Avoid oil-based facial creams. Use water-based make-up.

2. Never apply a topical steroid to the rosacea.

3. Protect yourself from the sun. Use light oil-free facial sunscreens.

4. Keep your face cool: minimize your exposure to hot or spicy foods, alcohol, hot showers and baths and hot rooms.

5. CO2 lasers can be used to remove extra tissue caused by phymatous rosacea.

6. Vascular laser (single wavelength) or Intense Pulsed Light (broad spectrum) machines offer one of the better treatments for rosacea

7. Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a powerful medicine sometimes used for more severe cases of inflammatory rosacea.

8. Oral antibiotics may also help to relieve symptoms of ocular rosacea.

— The first method to help this naturally is to simply take care of your skin. While it might appear easy and simple to do it’s the most important matter to do. When you wash your face use hot water and make sure you don’t scrub too hard but nice and lightly as to not irritate the skin. The next thing to do is apply skin cleaners that do not have strong chemicals in them and look out for products that have a big content of alcohol. If you don’t follow this it can lead to more outbreaks and even worsen the condition.

— The second tip is to watch for triggers. A few basic triggers are prolong time in hot atmospheric condition; hard workouts can even trigger it also; Stress is different trigger for Rosacea. To help the cure for Rosacea, try and keep your strain levels down. Stress can be the worst thing for any condition from weight loss to Rosacea.

— If you do use makeup or whatever kind of cream on your face does not use alcohol based. Use make up that is water based and make sure you clean it off daily daytime to. Leaving makeup on can make it biggest.

About the Author: Seomul Evans is a copywriter with:

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