Figure Out Your Lowrance Gps Unit For Best Effectiveness…

By Edwardo Mascasas

Lowrance GPS units are one of the top models available to consumers. Lowrance GPS products are GPS receivers. These products gather data from a satellite and display your location on a screen.

GPS is sweeping the market, which is why it’s good to go with a brand that has established itself as a leader in GPS technology since people are after the good quality of products.

There are Lowrance units that are specific to aviation needs, marine navigation needs, automotive applications, and those that were designed for on-land adventures.

Lowrance Global Positioning system uses satellite ranging to triangulate your position. In other words, the GPS unit simply measures the travel time of the signals transmitted from the satellites, then multiplies them by the speed of light to determine exactly how far the unit is from every satellite it’s sampling. GPS works 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world and is not affected by clouds, storms or weather.


By locking onto the signals from a minimum of three different satellites, a GPS receiver can calculate a 2D (two-dimensional) positional fix, consisting of your latitude and longitude. By locking onto a fourth satellite, the GPS can compute a 3D (three-dimensional) fix, calculating your altitude as well as your latitude/longitude position.

In order to do this Lowrance uses a 12 parallel-channel receiver in all of its current products. Three of the channels lock on to satellites for triangulation. Another channel locks on to a fourth satellite for 3D navigation, which lets the unit calculate altitude in addition to latitude and longitude.

These four channels continuously and simultaneously track the four satellites in the best geometrical positions relative to you. The additional eight channels track all other visible satellites, then add this data to the data from the original four satellites. The unit then over-resolves a solution, creating an accuracy-enhanced reading. The additional channels also ensure reliable, continuous and uninterrupted navigation, even in adverse conditions such as valleys or dense woods.

Furthermore, the life of the battery in your handheld GPS unit depends on a number of factors. First and foremost is the quality of the batteries you are using. Be sure to select a high quality alkaline battery. Using the Power Save feature whenever possible and keeping the backlight panel off when not needed will assure maximum battery life. Depending on the unit you have, your average battery life will be between 8 and 20 hours.

One sample product of a Lowrance receiver is the Lowrance Differential Beacon Receiver. It is completely sealed and waterproof to withstand even the harshest of environmental conditions, and is backed by our Full One-Year Warranty. The result is unmatched accuracy for your Lowrance differential-ready GPS receiver.

Signals from land-based DGPS stations are used to correct for the effects of SA and other accuracy-degrading limitations. These DGPS stations, operated by the U.S. Coast Guard or similar agencies around the world, offer free DGPS corrections broadcast on 283.5-325 kHz. The Lowrance DGPS Beacon Receiver outputs RTCM SC-104 format corrections to any DGPS-ready GPS receiver.

Lowrance produces many software and manuals to enhance the GPS experience. It is important that users new to GPS read the manual for whatever unit they choose to buy, regardless of brand. As consumers, there are lots of functions you want to figure out.

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